MRP in Spain

Catalonia Region:

1. Municipality of Gombrèn: 200 inhabitants (85 permanent)

2. Municipality of Sant Quirze de Besora: 2.100 inhabitants

The Barcelona Provincial Council provides comprehensive support for the energy transition, from the most strategic planning phase, to the drafting of studies and executive projects and financing for their implementation, in addition to training and communication support. The Barcelona Provincial Council is the coordinator of the Covenant of Mayors in the province of Barcelona, ​​with which it provides direct support in the drafting of Action Plans for Sustainable Energy and Climate and in carrying out communication and dissemination actions, in addition to training local entities.

The Girona Provincial Council is the territorial coordinator of the Pact of Mayors for Energy and Climate in the province of Girona, an initiative to which more than two hundred municipalities in the Girona province have adhered. The municipalities have local action plans for sustainable energy and climate (SECAP), and the Environment Service of the Girona Provincial Council has as one of its purposes and powers to advise the municipalities and offer them general and specialized, technical and service provision assistance, as well as economic support in relation to their planning, monitoring and execution.

County Councils of Ripollès and Osona regions, with the main function of coordinating and managing their services and improve the well-being of citizens. From the environmental areas, both seek to promote the move towards an energy system based on sustainable energies and in which all citizens can participate.

Osona Local Energy Agency is a department of the Osona County Council whose main objective is to provide advice and collaboration on energy accounting for the county’s town councils. It works with the objectives of energy efficiency and savings, and the promotion of renewable energies.

Mayor and the Department of Environment of the municipality of Sant Quirze de Besora.

Mayor and the Department of Environment and Energy Transition of the municipality of Gombrèn.

Association of Rural and Maritime Initiatives of Catalonia, working in the community energy transformation office in rural areas (OTC). The OTC has as its main lines of work the dissemination and knowledge of the energy transition, and as a central objective of how energy communities can involve the population to be part of this change. In addition, actions are also carried out aimed at advising and accompanying energy community projects with a series of supports focused on the technical/legal/economic areas… among others.

Local Action Group. It is a non-profit entity that seeks to promote rural development in collaboration with different local entities. Its main task is the application of LEADER aid in the rural world in order to improve its potential, it also participates in different projects that allow improvements to be introduced within the territory (highlighting the ENFOCC2030 project, the Life eCOadapt50 project or the Office of Community Transformation, among many others).

Ripollès Development Agency – Promotion of actions to promote greater territorial cohesion, as well as increase the competitiveness and overall development of the Ripollès region.

The Vall del Ges Consortium, Orís and Bisaura work to improve the economic development of the territory, preserve it environmentally and promote social cohesion and the quality of life of citizens.

OECoop is a non-profit second-degree cooperative. The purpose of the cooperative is the intercooperation of its members to help them generate tools and services that allow them to improve the energy transition process. We want to promote citizen empowerment to participate in social, economic and ecological transformation.

More than thirty entities are part of the Ateneu Terres Gironines. It is made up of cooperatives, associations, foundations, insertion companies, limited companies and also town councils. Their line of work is support towards cooperativism.

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